The main reasons for the active use of road transport in logistics systems are its inherent flexibility of delivery and high speed of intercity transportation. Road transport is distinguished from railroads by its relatively small investments in terminal equipment (loading and unloading facilities) and the use of public roads.

However, the amount of variable costs (drivers’ wages, fuel costs, tires and repairs) per 1 km of road is high, and the fixed costs (overheads, depreciation of vehicles) are small. Therefore, in contrast to the railway road transport is best for the transportation of small batches of goods over short distances. This determines the use of road transport – processing industry, trade, etc.

Despite certain problems in the road transport industry (increase in costs for replacement and maintenance of equipment, for the wages of drivers, loaders and repairmen) it is road transport that will retain its central position in meeting the transportation needs of logistics in the foreseeable future.